39. Village Fetes

Village fetes are a classic example of the celebration of community spirit in the country. Broadway hosts its fair share of wonderful village fetes throughout the year, from farmers markets to car and flower shows. Each year, the community gathers together on the high street around the village Green to show their support and join in with the fun and games and enjoy the the refreshments on sale. Fetes and country fairs are an honoured tradition in this part of the country; towns and villages throughout the Cotswolds have been organising and hosting outdoor shows for hundreds of years, often to raise funds for worthy local causes. Broadway has been participating in this tradition since 1251, when the village was granted the rights to host a weekly market and a three-day fair. The high street with its wide pavements that open out onto the Green would accommodate livestock and trade. They became a popular and important part of the village’s cultural heritage, which has always been upheld. The tradition of village fetes in Broadway may have changed slightly, but it still continues to exist and flourish today.
Visiting Broadway to attend an event or village fete is a worthy reason in itself. It's a great day out for the whole family, experiencing the cultural traditions of the village, joining in with the spirit of the community and having a lot of fun to bote!